Before the digital age the reader did not have that much
power. Readers as a group did in so far that they could express their like for
a particular author by buying their book but the individual reader, they had
very little influence. Since the revolution, however, the power of the
individual has grown exponentially. Whereas previously publisher only took
notice of sale figures and the comments of reviews appearing in Sunday newspapers
the rise of social media and internet based market platforms like Amazon has
shifted that focus somewhat.
This shift has come about in a response to the growth of
independent authors. Previously writers the output of such writers was termed ‘vanity
publishing’ and scorned accordingly. There was even a belief that if you published
your own work in your early struggling career then you were highly unlikely to
be picked up by a literary agent or publisher later on.
Curiously this attitude never took root in the music
industry where many fledgling artists, Elvis Presley amongst them, recorded
their own work first. Indeed, the ‘demo tape’ became an essential method of
attracting record company attention and was considered a legitimate means of
doing so. No one ever referred to it as ‘vanity recording’.
Of course writing a book is a little different to writing a
song. Books need to be proof-read and edited before they get anywhere near
being published and that is a process that can take almost as long as writing
the thing in the first place. For an independent author this represents a major
task but in comparison to getting a literary agent to take on your work it
attains a degree practicality.
With the arrival of the e-reader in the shape of Kindle and
Kobo the market for electronic books has exploded. In fact the market has grown
so quickly that a void appeared that traditional book publishers could not fill
and it is this that has led to the appearance of the independent authors. Many
were quick to exploit the new technology and to offer readers who were
experimenting with this new form original work at a discounted price. A
significant proportion of the readers liked what they found.
As with anything the quality of e-books varies enormously.
There are some very good writers out there who failed to win attention from
agents and publishers and yet who have found an audience in the e-book world.
There are also some writers who turn out sub-standard work. To separate the
wheat from the chaff marketplaces like Amazon offer purchasers a chance to both
rate a product and write a review about it also. This has proven to be a very
helpful tool that allows shoppers to get an idea about the product that they
are thinking buying, however:
Like so many human inventions the review is open to abuse.
There are, sadly, some people who have a habit of posting negative comments. I
do not understand this approach but then I acquired the skills of constructive
criticism at college. When I review a product on Amazon or a hotel of Trip
Advisor I always do so honestly. I simply cannot see the point in taking the
time to write a review, particularly about a book, that is intended to be
hurtful only. Even if the book is that bad, a ‘stinker’ as Stephen Fry calls
them, then follow the precept that if you cannot say anything good then say
nothing at all. A product that has been out for some time and garnered no
reviews is not likely to be on anyone’s shopping list after all.
It follows, however, that there is another side to this
argument and it is one that I wish to make in respect of the independent author
particularly; if you have something good to say then say it! New authors need
reviews and ratings. It is beneficial in two ways. First, a series of good
reviews brings attention to the author and this is what they both need and
want. Having invested an awful lot of time and effort in their work the independent
author would like someone to read it and express an opinion. They are not
selfish in this respect, songwriters, actors, painters, in fact any instigator
of a creative enterprise wants to know if the public likes what they do. It
seems to be a natural human requirement.
In respect of independent authors the reader possesses
tremendous power. They can talk almost directly to the author and tell them
exactly what they thought of their work. For me as one such independent author
it is a leap of faith to actually put my work out there into the public arena
but I will never forget my response to reading the first detailed review of my
book; it made everything worthwhile. I don’t have that many reviews to my name
as yet, only 22, but they all mean something to me. They do to anyone who has
spent time crafting a project, in whatever format, and putting it out there for
people to consider.
I wonder if many readers appreciate the power that they have
at their disposal through their digital connection with the e-book world? By
taking the time to put together some comments, it does not have to be a critical
essay after all – unless of course you are so motivated – the buyer can
actually help an author that they like to reach a much wider audience. This is
a power that the reader possesses. They can influence the career of someone
else. They can become instrumental in spreading the word about a book that they
have read and opening up the world it contains to other readers.
The majority of independent authors sell their books at
discounted prices to begin with and although they dream of commercial success,
I know I do, the reality is that they make very little money at it. My
royalties do not amount to much even after selling over 1600 books but I love
what I do. I create my won worlds in fiction and share them with other people
who, for the most part, seem to like what I have done. I would like to reach
more people, to have more readers, and everyone who buys a copy of my work can
help in that respect. Hopefully, after reading this post you might be one such
person who will do me the honour of rating my books and writing a brief honest
review so as to encourage others to take the plunge,